Pivot Points for Intraday Trading

Pivot Points for Intraday Trading

Face 2 Face CPR

What is CPR ?

  • Price Action Indicator.

  • TP, P & BP provides range.

  • CPR indicator has 3 Levels

    • Top Central Pivot( TCP)
    • Central Pivot Point (Pivot)
    • Bottom Central Pivot (BCP)

[!INFO]+ CPR Uses

  • CPR used to
    • Foresee the movements in stock price.
    • Predict trend.
    • Gives support & resistance.

Types of CPR

Characteristics of Wide & Narrow CPR

Wide CPR

Narrow CPR

Using CPR

  • Long if chart above CPR.

  • Short if chart below CPR.

  • Three lines narrow → Trending Market.

  • Three lines wide → Sideways Market.

  • Above CPR → Long.

  • Below CPR → Short.

[!EXAMPLE]+ Which Chart to use with what Indicator

  • Use 5 minutes chart for intraday.
    • Daily CPR indicator for daily CPR.
  • Use 1 Hour chart for Positional.
    • Weekly CPR indicator for weekly.
  • Use daily Chart for longer / Swing trades.
    • Monthly CPR

  • Use CPR by KGS on trading view.
  • Disable everything except daily pivots + prev day high & low.
    • PDH & R1 are twins.
    • PDL & R2 are twins.


  • Use 1 hour chart with weekly CPR for option selling.
    • Above CPR → Bullish → Bull Put Spread
    • Below CPR → Bearish → Bear Call Spread
    • On CPR → Iron Condor.

  • While taking position, when cpr is under the first 1hr candle ( or chart for weekly ) then it is bullish signal.
  • So we put bull put spread.
  • SL & Pre Wk Low are twins.
  • I take mid-point & sell it then lower strike buy to hedge it will.
  • SL should be 1:1 though RR won’t be 1:1. Hold till expiry.

[!QUOTE]+ Easy to remember by MD Consider as CPR spring board. ♨️ Over spring jump up.⤴️👆 Under spring fall down.⤵️👇

Bear Call 🐻
  • When CPR over chart.
Bull Put 🐂
  • When CPR under chart.

Bull Put 🐂 vs Bear Call 🐻

Iron Condor


  • Class By Mr. Gomathi Shankar.

  • PivotPedia by Neeraj Jangid




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